February 1, 2009 Day +2132 Day +1830 off therapy

Wow, we are already a full month into 2009. Time just flies by the older you get.

Today was a lazy day. I could not get moving this morning and the boys slept real late. Believe it or not, Logan was the last to get up.

I went to the grocery store and that is the extent of out “going” today. The boys enjoyed the beautiful 60 plus degree weather and stayed outside most of the day. Jim even washed my car while I was gone. Wow, that was a years worth of dirt! I am not a car washer! I take it to the do it yourself thing and I am so slow that it costs me $20 bucks! I say just go dirty!

The boys are playing their new favorite four wheeler game on Play station, Jim is watching the super bowl and I am talking with you all. Sounds very exciting, huh?

Please pray for Taylor as he continues to beat the beast that once was in his body. Pray he never again has cancer in his little body. Pray for Daryl, Mrs. Hobby, Noah and Zachary and all of the extended family. Pray for all of our friends who are battling illness or injury.

2 thoughts on “February 1, 2009 Day +2132 Day +1830 off therapy”

  1. Wow, just read some of your entries. (I found you through Sarah Smith’s site.)

    You guys truly have a lot to deal with. I will send some prayers your way and will check back in with you.

    Keep the faith

  2. Hey! I love the remote story and the standing on the table story!…..a good book would be….A DAY IN THE LIFE OF KIM WATTS!!!!!! i want one when it comes out! Just wanted to tell you one of our own Atmore friends (one of mine and Tina’s oldest friends) has a caringbridge page now. His name is toby and he has just been diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease. He has been misdiagnosed for 4 years and has all kinds of pain and problems…got 2 secondary infections from it. The Dr. that finally diagnosed him (just recently) said he thinks this will be the next epidemic. He is in Missouri with his mom having treatments. His wife and 3 boys are here in Atmore so the boys can go to school and she can run her business (she is a Premier jewelry rep and supervisor)…she and his dad went up with them to get them settled in, then she came back. His page is http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/tobyquimby……keep those good stories coming! Love to the boys, cathi

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